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Ice Diamond Series – Instant Ice Pack

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* Product Features :
Instant cool : people can get ice immediately, when they need to cooling or ice patch.
Easy to carry : People can easy to carry the ice pack when they go to outdoor exercising, and traveling.
Use :
Check the location of the water bag in the ice pack.
Pressing the water bag directly until the bag is broken.
The contents inside the ice pack start to become cool.
The product is not food. Do not damage the outer bag or put the contents of ice pack into the mouth.
If you eat the contents of ice pack or the liquid inside touches your eyes. Please go to the hospital as soon as possible.
If the ice pack contacts with skin for a long time may cause skin frostbite. Therefore, we may recommend to cover the towel when using.
This product is placed in the hot space (above 35 ℃) may causes the contents become hard, so we suggest stored it in a cool place.
The temperature will vary according to the surrounding environment, and usually gradually increased when the time goes by.

公司名稱: 昌泓生活科技股份有限公司
