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Jhan Hui Machinery Enterprise Co., Ltd.--Extruder screws and barrels

With a history of over two decades, Jhan Hui Machinery Enterprise Co., Ltd. is one of Taiwan’s most professional manufacturers of extruder screws and barrels. The company is located in Yungkang City of Tainan County, southern Taiwan, where the majority of Taiwan’s plastics and rubber processing m... 详全文

Jhan Hui Machinery Enterprise Co., Ltd.--Extruder screws and barrels

Jhan Hui Machinery Enterprise Co., Ltd. has been dedicated to development and production of extruder screws and barrels for over two decades. The company is located in Yungkang City of Tainan County, southern Taiwan, which has clustered most of the island’s plastics and rubber processing machinery m... 详全文

公司名称: 展彗机械工业股份有限公司
