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United Chen Off ers One-Stop Shoe-Making Machinery and Equipment

Founded in 1980, United Chen Industrial Co., Ltd. has worked on plastic processing machines for shoes roughing, hydraulic pressing, shoes forming, rubber processing, and EVA foaming for over three decades, supplying profi le cutting machines, automatic sole-edge grinding and forming machines, surfac... 详全文

United Chen Industrial Co., Ltd.

Founded in 1980, United Chen Industrial Co., Ltd. has worked on plastic processing machines for shoes roughing, hydraulic pressing, shoes forming, rubber processing, and EVA foaming for over three decades, supplying profile cutting machines, automatic sole-edge grinding and forming machines, surface... 详全文

公司名称: 联呈工业股份有限公司
电话: 886-4-2534-3358;2534-1138
传真: 886-4-2534-1137
网址: www.liencheng.com
