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As a professional manufacturer in supplying various kinds of grinding and classifying equipment for 30 years, we are proud to introduce our newly developed VM-Series Vertical Mill to meet the large scale production requirement. This mill is designed with internal micron air separator specially for high quality ultra fine powder producing. It is a great achievement that makes possible to take over the traditional grinders which need high power consumption for very limit product output. Vertical mill is built by high technology and guarantee for continuous 24 hours a day operation most suitable for grinding medium hard materials such as limestone, talc, gypsum, rock phosphate and coal, ...etc. The follows are the mechanical processes and the outstanding features of Vertical Mill, which bring your exclusive decision on such mill for high grinding efficiency under low power consumption.


攪拌機, 磨碎機械, 礦山機械零件, 碎石機, 平行通風式乾燥機, 浮動層式乾燥機, 氣流乾燥機, 顎碎機, 衝擊打碎機, 滾子粉碎機, 平盤式磨粉機, 中週速磨粉機, 高週速磨粉機, 流體超細粉碎機, 飼料機械, 製藥機械, 乾燥裝置, 集塵裝置, 過濾機, 壓濾機, 造粒機, 捏合機, 混合機(快速), 磨粉機, 粉碎機, 分離機與篩選機, 礦物選別、分離、洗滌或混合機械, 水泥機械設備(旋窯煤磨生料磨及預熱塔), 石灰機械, 陶瓷機械, 砂石製造設備, 帶式輸送機, 鏈式輸送機(不銹鋼), 吊斗式輸送機, 螺旋輸送機, 振動式輸送機, 氣動輸送設備, 其他輸送機, 碎石整廠設備, 石灰整廠設備, 磨粉廠整廠設備, 肥料廠整廠設備

公司名稱: 立山機械工廠股份有限公司
