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JW Precision Industry Co., Ltd.

With 25 years of manufacturing experience, JW Precision Industry Co., Ltd. is professional auto parts maker headquartered in Taiwan, and held in high regard by users worldwide for its devotion to customer satisfaction. Equipped with state-of-the-art molding equipment, JW excels in providing windo... 詳全文

JW Precision Industry Co., Ltd.

Automobile parts, outside door handles, inside door handles, window handles, tailgate cables, etc With 25 years of manufacturing experience, JW Precision Industry Co., Ltd. is professional autoparts maker headquartered in Taiwan, and held in high regard by users worldwide for its devotion to cus... 詳全文

公司名稱: 千鋐精密企業有限公司
聯絡人: 沈小姐 (銷售部經理)
