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Holytek Group is one of Asia's largest manufacturers and exporters of woodworking machinery, With a broad range of equipment, all backed by rock-solid quality and technical support. Holytek provides customers with the efficiency and productivity that was previously only available with European machines. Put Holytek's commitment to value into your products today.

HOLYTEK INDUSTRIAL CORP has 35 years of experience in manufacturing woodworking machinery. Since 1991, we have combined with other woodworking machinery manufacturers to become the largest manufacturing and exporting of woodworking machinery in Taiwan.

HOLYTEK is the only true woodworking manufacturing group in Taiwan that can offer top quality machinery to solve your problems at a competitive manufacturer's price. You can get a lead over your competition and benefit when you choose HOLYTEK.


帶鋸機, 鉋木機, 自動仿形鉋邊機, 三角榫機, 四軸作榫機, 多面自動鉋木機, 上下二面鉋木機, 自動寬帶平面砂光機

公司名稱: 鑌茂實業股份有限公司
