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First Chinese Procurement Delegation Arrives in Taiwan

2009/06/01 | By Philip Liu

Taipei, June 1, 2009 (CENS)--A Chinese delegation for procuring Taiwan-made home appliances arrived in Taiwan yesterday (May 31), the first of three Chinese delegations scheduled to visit the island in the next two months for procurement totaling US$8-10 billion in value.

The delegation is organized by the Association for Economy and Trade Across the Taiwan Straits (AETATS), under China's Ministry of Commerce, and headed by Li Shuilin, the association's chairman. It boasts a procurement budget of over US$2 billion and consists of 77 members from 40 enterprises, including 23 bid winners for China's "home appliances for rural areas" program, including Beijing Manjiang, Hasee, Hisense, Changhong, and Haier, as well as six Chinese export/import associations in the fields of textile, mining and chemical, foodstuff and livestock, artistic works, and electrical machinery, in addition to the Chinese Home Electrical Appliances Association.

Li Shuilin, pointed out that the delegations aims mainly to procure home appliances but also include in their shopping list such items as information products, chemicals, foodstuff, and Taiwan-made artistic works, the latest of which are in much demand in the Chinese market, due to the appeal of their unique features. A ranking official of Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), which organizes the visit, noted that major procurement items of the delegation include ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) cases for home appliances, computer and mobile phone LCD (liquid crystal display), chips, memories, and 3G components and parts.

The delegation is to be followed by two other delegations, one mainly of bid winners for "information products for rural areas" programs and the other of bid winners for "autos for rural areas" program," scheduled to visit Taiwan in June and July. They are expected to bring business opportunities totaling US$8-10 billion for Taiwanese enterprises in value.

TAITRA will hold business explanation sessions for the delegation at Taipei International Convention Center today, as well as business negotiation sessions in central and southern Taiwan in the next two days for its members to talk face-to-face with local suppliers.