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Kentfa Advanced Technology Corp.

Electric vehicles, electric scooters, folding bicycles

2009/08/17 | By Quincy Liang | KENTFA ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CORP.

Kentfa Advanced Technology Corp. has been dedicated to development and production of high-quality electric bicycles since its inception in 2001. Backed by considerable strengths in design, development, and innovation, the firm has been aggressively engaged in technological innovation and product diversification.

The firm claims it has been developing newer, better electric control systems for various electric vehicles, as well as folding mechanisms to make product increasingly convenient, functional, and attractive. One such development is the instant folding mechanism, which revolutionizes traditional design concepts of folding bikes to greatly upgrade added-value in portability and storage.

With accumulated know-how and technological expertise, Kentfa has developed e-scooters in different specifications and designs, hence offering e-vehicles that fully meet demands of short-distance urban commuters, in addition to zero emission and low noise.