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We are an experienced manufacture of TPU and PU bushings. We have been engaged in this Field for more 20 years. We offers a comprehensive selection of bushings, designed to accommodate.Your specific vehicle’s need.Your drawings and samples are welcome.


压铸, 传动系统零件, 刹车系统零件, 金属成型加工, 引擎电系零件, 空调系统, 冷却系统零件, 中控锁, 悬挂系统零件, 锻件, 橡胶零件, 塑胶零件, 转向系统零件, 粉末冶金件, 车身零件, 引擎系统, 机油泵, 引擎附属品零件, 排气系统零件, 冲压, 铸件, 各类避震套的开发及销售, 所有塑胶射出产品的开发及销售, 避震器衬套, 平衡杆橡皮, 拉杆套筒, 引擎脚, PU筒套组, 机车橡塑胶零配件, 横拉杆球接头, 排档衬套

公司名称: 盛禾有限公司
