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搜尋結果 collection Beacon: 13 則新聞

Growth in EV Demand Amplifies Appeal of Auto Parts-Focused Exhibitions


According to a report from the Economist Intelligence Unit, global electric vehicle (EV) sales are projected to surge by 21% year-on-year, reaching 14.9 million units in 2024. This surge would constitute 24.6% of global new vehicle sales, marking a 3.6% increase in overall market share. These robus

Mask Makers Built on Taiwan’s Machinery Industry Gets International Spotlight


By Huang Wei-Shiou Gov’t Successfully Keeps COVID-19 at Bay with Teamwork As news of the COVID-19 virus overwhelms the world, Taiwan’s government acted quickly to increase investment in expanding the country’s mask-producing volume to 60 machines. This mammoth effort was headed by domestic fi

AI新創光禾感知 獲選日媒全球百大企業


經濟日報 蔡尚勳 台灣AI新創光禾感知在日前最新出版的《日經Business》,獲選「尋找10年後的google、改變世界的100家公司」,入選名單包括GitHub、Airbnb、Uber、SpaceX、今日頭條、滴滴出行、美團點評、大疆DJI等國際知名獨角獸及科技企業。而名單中台灣唯一入選的光禾感知,以AI新創之姿瞬間搖身成為台灣最受矚目的未來獨角獸。 掌握電腦視覺及人工智慧技術,光禾感知打造全球獨有的空間辨識技術:VBIP室內定位及導航,並順利將技術在泰國、日本及台灣屢屢成功落地。於2018年末順利完成PreA輪融資,目前市值達逾千萬美金。光禾感知表示,未來兩年將持續聚焦於智

鴻海衝刺工業雲 接軌亞馬遜


經濟日報 記者尹慧中╱台北報導 鴻海集團今年加速衝刺全球工業雲應用,藉此持續擴張科技服務布局。據了解,鴻海集團今年立足台灣,並將在美國、中國大陸、東南亞及日本等四大區域推動系列成長計畫,其中,北美方面更是重點之一,目標7月前加強推廣應用,要在2020年達成自主控管,並接軌亞馬遜雲平台。 鴻海集團總裁暨鴻海董事長郭台銘訂下「雲移物大智網+機器人」的長期發展戰略,集團新年度在全球各地都積極發展雲端相關科技服務。 工業雲方面,鴻海集團近年先在自身工廠導入工業互聯網平台「BEACON」並建立工業雲,從廠內發展工業自動化、供應鏈擴大服務、對外提供科技服務協助新創企業。 據鴻海集

鴻海拚成長 FII扮領頭羊


經濟日報 記者尹慧中╱台北報導 鴻海集團衝刺明年成長,旗下主打智慧製造、物聯網業務的FII(工業富聯)將扮演領頭羊。根據鴻海內部計畫,FII目標明年「營收、獲利同步雙位數成長」,是鴻海集團總裁郭台銘欽點集團最重要的子公司,認為「未來成長無可限量」。 郭台銘近期在集團內部談話,表示看好FII 營運成長前景,尤其當前全球走向「工業+互聯網」發展,實體經濟與數據經濟結合,工業互聯網是實體經濟創新發展的展現。 FII是鴻海旗下第一個在上海A股掛牌的股票,郭台銘對FII也最為重視,希望透過FII,將代工廠業務轉型為科技服務公司。FII今年前三季營收人民幣2,839億元(約新台幣1.2

鴻海挺物聯網新創 三路進擊


經濟日報 記者尹慧中/台北報導 鴻海集團力挺物聯網新創,並擴大相關雲端平台布局。據了解,鴻海集團擬定三階段計畫,將從廠內發展工業自動化、供應鏈擴大服務,以及對外提供科技服務等方式,協助新創企業,並透過旗下夏普、富士康工業互聯網(FII),在日本、中國同步開拓當地市場。 法人指出,鴻海集團是全球主要雲端伺服器製造商,隨著集團在全球各地推動物聯網相關雲服務,將擴大全球製造設計「一條龍」服務,集團雲端物聯網相關供應鏈包括廣宇、建漢、台揚等,有望同步沾光。 據了解,鴻海集團近年已先導入工業互聯網平台「BEACON」,並建立工業雲,今年以來也陸續在多場工業互聯網產業聯盟峰會上

A Close Look at Taiwan’s High-profile Bathroom Furniture Makers--Continues R&D gives makers solid basis to take on underselling rivalry


With U.S.’s realty and job markets continuously on the mend to sustain strong demand for bathroom furniture nationwide, buyers intended to explore the lucrative business opportunities by truly marketable product items with great balance between quality and prices can’t overlook Taiwan when sourcing

CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2016 to Hail Arrival of Major Brands from Emerging Countries--Wide-ranging value-added services set to boost visitor experience


An integral part of the famed China International Furniture Fair (CIFF), CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2016, staged March 28-31 at the China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou, southeastern China, will see brisk participation of major branded vendors from emerging countries as exhibitor

Ching Mars Corporation--Strobe lights, light bars and sirens, LED light bars, signal lights, warning lights and traffic batons


Established in 1985 in New Taipei City, northern Taiwan, China Mars Corporation is a specialized maker of various strobe and warning lights for use in vehicles and traffic control, with nearly 30 years of expertise that is well recognized among professionals all over the world The company start

Macrosupply Co.--Strobe lights (DC & AC), LED beacons, LED truck lights, and back-up alarms


Established in 2002, Macrosupply Co. is an innovative developer and maker of high-quality strobe lights (DC & AC), LED beacons, LED truck lights, and back-up alarms. The company recently launched the LM1606 high-power LED beacon, featuring six high-intensity 1W LEDs in 12V DC as well as optional fl

Taiwan`s Bathroom Furniture Makers Unfazed Amid Downturn


Despite frequent news recently of improving economies in Germany, France and higher GDP in Hong Kong in the first half of the year, as well as newly posted profits by the major investment houses as Goldman Sacks stateside, the global financial fallout since the fourth quarter of last year has rocke

Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2002 A Beacon of Lighting


Now in its fourth consecutive year, the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair continued to grow and glow in its 2002 rendition, alongside the Hong Kong Electronics Fair and ElectronicAsia. The flood of visitors to the trio of exhibitions created a carnival atmosphere at Hong Kong's Convention Plaza

SARS Cannot Beat Taiwan Business


Ever since the fearsome scourge of SARS began spreading its ravages from the mainland Chinese province of Guangdong last month, it has frightened everybody in the affected countries and even the damage caused by the warfare between the United States and Iraq does not seem to equal it at times. Beca