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Zing Chang Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981 and has developed into a veteran supplier of automotive-electronic parts with a rich accumulation of know-how and experience in developing and manufacturing quality parts for global customers.

With strong in-house development capability and versatile production techniques, Zing Chang supplies a wide range of products including ignition coils, ignition wires, ignition distributors, distributor cups, O.P.Q. spark plugs, speedometer sensors, crank sensor, and ABS sensors, among others.

The company says that it has been one of the top auto ignition system parts manufacturers on the island for over three decades. Its high-quality auto ignition parts, marketed globally under its own "Zing Chang" brand, are popular with customers around the world. Its stringent in-house quality-control procedures, the firm claims, have gained it a reputation as a leading auto ignition system manufacturer.

To upgrade its operations, Zing Chang says, it constantly upgrades its testing, inspection, and manufacturing equipment to the most advanced level in the world. It also cooperates closely with industry-related universities to carry out research on newer and better products and technologies.

The firm stresses that its final goal is to become one of the world's outstanding automotive-electronic suppliers and provide a reliable supply of good-quality, reasonably-priced parts to customers throughout the world.

Zing Chang operates a modern integrated factory in southern Taiwan's Tainan City, and is very proud of the high level of production and development efficiency that it has achieved through long-term cooperation with a group of nearby satellite plants.


点火线圈, 分电盘, 高压线, 化油器, 引擎转速感测器


员工数: 30
公司成立年: 1981
生产模式: OEM 委托代工 , OBM 自有品牌
外销比例: 100%
外销市场: 全球
公司类型: 制造商, 设计及研发服务
公司名称: 景章实业工厂
联络人: 王姿云 (sales)
王先生 (老板)
地址: 744 台南市新市区中山路195巷7号
电话: 886-6-599-4487, 589-2051
传真: 886-6-599-0983
网址: www.zingchang.com
