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Consecutive growth in machinery exports under Russia-Ukraine war: TAMI


According to survey results released by the Taiwan Machinery Association (TAMI) on March 9, nearly 60 machinery manufacturers have been affected since the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out. The initial estimate of the affected orders amounted to more than USD$6.9 million, or approximately NT

Taiwan`s SME notes trends shaping the hand tools industry for next decade


The COVID-19 pandemic's disruption on the economy has propelled the lesser-known aspects of the global supply chain into mainstream awareness, such as the focus on Taiwan as semiconductor chip demands soared. While Taiwan is more widely known as the semiconductor hub of the world, equally crucial t

Expect hybrid events, restricted travel, but hope for the best


The global trade exhibition industry has seen its most turbulent period in the past two years, brought to an abrupt halt by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, seen further setbacks in 2021, and it's expected to continue into 2022, though to a lesser degree, as the industry expects in-person events to o

Digitalizing the Hand Tools Industry: how AI can take the sector to new heights


The previous article discussed smart manufacturing practices and the challenges of implementing these new technologies into a real-world situation. For further elaboration on these topics, CENS interviewed Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Industry, Science and Technology Internationa

丽清受惠晶片缺料问题逐渐趋缓 订单开始增温


丽清看好随著受惠晶片缺料问题逐渐趋缓,在年前返乡的购车潮以及新能源车市场份额快速增长下,带动主要客户持续加大LED车灯模组、车头控制器等产品的拉货力道,2月开始出货量增温。 丽清科技元月营收还是受到新年假期影响,公布1月合并营收达新台币5.6亿元,主要是受到去年同期部分新车款订单提前出货,垫高营收基期,使得1月营收呈年减表现,看好2、3月开始订单复苏,今天股价小涨开出,来到42.7元。 该公司表示,受惠晶片缺料问题逐渐趋缓,年前返乡的购车潮以及新能源车市场份额快速增长下,带动主要客户持续加大LED车灯模组、车头控制器等产品的拉货力道。 丽清目前电动车款式占公司整体出货约两成

车用及高速运算助攻 多家零组件厂1月营收超旺


尽管第1季为传统淡季,受惠5G、电动车、高速传输、医疗等终端需求强劲,推动零组件厂商规格升级新商机,包括贸联-KY、嘉泽、信邦、正凌、诠欣、昇贸等1月营收超旺。 1月营收陆续出炉,在大电流、高频高速传输等趋势及农历年前提前拉货带动下,多家零组件厂1月营收延续去年动能,均缴出亮眼成绩,其中包括贸联-KY、信邦、嘉泽及昇贸均创下历史新高,正凌为历史次高,诠欣为6年来新高。 信邦1月合并营收冲上新台币23.53亿元,创下历史新高,年增11.44%,月增8.32%,主要受惠汽车、医疗及工业应用等产业需求畅旺。 贸联-KY延续上个月出货动能,加上开始认列德商LEONI工业事业群营收挹

被动元件回温上游材料、设备厂 沾光


被动元件市况回春,市场看好上游材料、设备厂同步沾光,导电浆供应商勤凯、设备厂雷科与天正国际等受惠大,这三家业者也积极跨足半导体应用领域,新的业务也将挹注营运动能。 勤凯元月营收为1亿元,是历年同期次高,月减约1%,年减25.6%。勤凯表示,被动元件相关业务方面,由于汽车晶片缺货的需求递延,有利汽车产业大幅成长,加上电动车进入爆发期,电动车被动元件用量是传统燃油车的十倍,更带动充电桩设置,汽车市场将提供被动元件很大的成长动力。 勤凯深耕被动元件及太阳能电池导电浆领域之外,应用于LED及半导体封装新产品,已获数家LED客户认证并开始少量出货,目前也积极与半导体相关客户进行认证,预估今

智慧车2022再进化 四大零组件黑科技爆发


汽车智慧化商机不断,2022年汽车科技持续进化,更聪明、更酷炫、更轻量、跑更远这4大趋势,吸引科技大厂卯足全力抢占先机。包括智慧座舱的AR HUD、LED各类车灯、汽车轻量化元件,以及车用第三代半导体零件,是4大趋势背后最受瞩目的4大黑科技,2022年是持续发光的起点,也是未来资金布局的焦点。 最新一期《财讯》双周刊以「车电再进化 4大黑科技爆发」为题,报导台厂车电供应链在智慧化过程中的突围之道,同时盘点车电概念股,挖掘投资潜力股,全球最大的消费电子展CES于1月5日至8日在美国拉斯维加斯展出,虽然受疫情影响,许多重量级科技厂商缺席,但全球科技巨擘对汽车智慧化的技术发展,却未停歇,智慧

Manufacturing index signals flat growth amid Omicron wave for November


Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) announced the November manufacturing index on Thursday, signaling that the overall index rose by 0.14 points from 15.14 points revised last month to 15.28 points in November. The index signal, representing the state of the manufacturing index, has remain

China Steel raw material costs slide amid stable revenue


China Steel Corporation (CSC) is forecasted to drop an average of 2.15% in new market prices next year. Due to the decline in the previous wave of price fluctuation on the coal and iron ore market, low-grade raw material costs have begun to roll into the production line. As a result, CSC has yet to



根据TrendForce(集邦科技)「2020-2021全球车用LED产品趋势与区域市场分析」显示,2021年全球LED头灯渗透率超过60%,其中新能源车种渗透率高达90%以上。随著车市出货提升,以及LED照明渗透率推升,预估今年全球车用LED市场产值达35.1亿美元,年增率31.8%。 此外,车用半导体缺料,导致部分车厂生产受阻,集邦科技调查,由于车厂要求LED厂商持续生产,因此主要车用LED厂商的订单在今年底前仍未受到影响。在今年车用LED厂商营收排名中,前三名是艾迈斯欧司朗、日亚化学和Lumileds,合计市占率达71.7%。 车用照明方面,今年艾迈斯欧司朗车用LED营收高

Auto LED industry value to see YoY growth over 30%: TrendForce


The latest report on 2020 to 2021 global automotive LED products released by TrendForce featured figures on how the global LED headlights now make up over 60% of the market in 2021, with permeability rates in the NEV field over 90%. With the automotive market ramping up deliveries and increasing ad

特斯拉冲刺充电桩 台链来电


特斯拉中国大陆充电团队宣布,大陆超级充电桩突破8,000个,未来两年特斯拉充电网路还会扩大两倍,随著基础设施逐渐完备,特斯拉供应链厂商均可望受惠。 特斯拉供应链包括电子控制单元的广达(2382)、中控台的和硕、自驾车晶片的台积电、电池线束的贸联、减速齿轮的和大、LED车灯的联嘉、面板的群创、触控面板的TPK宸鸿、电源转换器的台达电、传动系统零件的智伸科、充电枪的健和兴、电池结构件的乙盛等。 大陆媒体报导,截至目前,特斯拉在大陆已建设开放超过1,000座超级充电站,超过8,000个超级充电桩,配合超过700座目的地充电站,超过1,750个目的地充电桩,覆盖全大陆超过360个城市。特

Leading brands at Automechanika Shanghai 2021 hint at opportunities along the value chain


In recent years, public opinion has continued to shift in favour of more sustainable and eco-friendly mobility options. The new energy passenger vehicle market illustrates this direction with a record surge of sales by over 40 percent during 2020 and a separate one million new energy commercial veh

「秋季七大贸易展」盛大展出 展示各行业崭新科技产品 为港商缔造跨行业商机


香港锐意成为国际创新科技中心,创科产业潜力庞大,香港贸易发展局(香港贸发局)为协助港商把握创新机遇,整合七项于秋季举行的贸易展览*,以「实体+网上」展览模式举行,汇聚超过1,700家、来自18国家及地区展商,展示一系列崭新及顶尖的科技产品、解决方案、医疗及环保技术、服务及资讯。实体展于10月27至30日在香港会议展览中心举行,而网上展览则延续至11月6日。 汇聚各行业崭新科技产品 七项展览*为港商缔造跨行业商机。秋季电子产品展及电子组件及生产技术展(与慕尼黑国际博览亚洲有限公司合办)涵盖各式崭新科技产品,包括智能家电、电子精品及配件、抗疫产品、人工智能物联网及可穿戴产品、电子组件及生

2035 E-Mobility Taiwan draws to a close, presents tangible results of recent trends


The first edition of the three-day in-person 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan wrapped up to a close on the 22nd, with its virtual edition continuing to Nov. 20. E-Mobility is an international exhibition that showcases the electric vehicle and self-driving car ecosystem. As show organizer TAITRA's Chairman



鸿华先进发表三款电动车艳惊四座,充满未来感,甚至在发表前被误以为是动画作品,画龙点睛的是前方极度压缩的细长型头灯,摆脱传统圆型头灯以及LED360发散光源的特性,极不真实的大车头灯,却也是众多品牌,竞相投入的未来车灯趋势。 车灯对整车来说,可以说是一部车的眼睛,更可以说是灵魂,以外型先进、线条典雅的豪华车品牌Audi为例,车灯就是Audi的特色之一。各家车厂都在车灯上大作文章,不只比美感,更比科技,设计的出来的外观,也要车灯厂能配合的上才行,毕竟车灯与行车安全密切相关,各国相关的规范也极其严谨。 不过出乎业者预料之外的,拿下鸿华先进订单,设计制造出符合车规又极具未来感的供应商并非

Airfreight delivery of auto parts could become a fixture


Auto parts suppliers relying on air freight to make timely deliveries could become a common practice in the future, industry watchers say, as the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world's supply chains. As sea freight congestion has made deliveries unreliable, auto parts and even newly produc

Global vehicle production to continue freefall trend: IHS


Market survey institution IHS Markit revealed its lowest expectations yet for the automotive market in the past nine months. Due to chip shortages and delayed chip packaging, global production will fall below five million units for passenger cars this year. The Malaysian lockdown of the country,

Supply, chip shortages and disruption cited as issues in TCA survey


The three top challenges found by a Taipei Computer Association-led survey of its ICT industry members all pointed to issues tied to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past six months, suppliers named chip shortages, expensive shipping costs, and the inability to travel overseas for business as the top

Construction cost index increase at all-time-high


Construction demand is at an all-time high, even amid rising prices and shortages of materials. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics under the Executive Yuan released its latest statistics on Friday, indicating that the August Construction Cost Index (CCI) increased 13.57%.



根据TrendForce最新「2021全球LED照明市场报告-照明级封装与照明产品趋势(2H21)」报告表示,受惠于各国政策推动以及北美医疗和娱乐大麻种植市场批量导入LED植物照明设备,激励2020年全球植物照明LED市场呈现爆发性成长,产值达3.01亿美元,年增57%。而此波成长动能也将延续至2021年,预估今年产值将达3.99亿美元,年增33%。 值得注意的是,今年第三季植物用LED红光晶片受车用和红外线LED市场需求排挤而出现短缺,尤其在高阶晶片更为明显。与此同时,电源驱动IC依旧缺货,植物照明LED终端需求因此受到压抑。此外,海运船期延宕以及北美打击室内大麻非法种植户也影响终端

Food security and global policies fuel LED grow light demands: TrendForce


Food security concerns and global government policies are driving the demand for LED grow lights, specifically North America's medical and recreation-use marijuana markets, TrendForce's new 2021 Global LED Market Report-LED-grade packaging, and LED products for 2H21 has found. The increased dema

Taiwan`s Machinery Industry Hindered by Supply Chain and Pandemic Issues


The machinery industry in Taiwan has been experiencing a five-month consecutive growth in the double-digits as of Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry's (TAMI) statistics released in June, rounding up the export value at USD$13.167 billion, a 27.5% annual growth. Figures indicate that the growt

Uncertain future ahead in a number of business activities


Taiwan's local outbreak between May and July has eased up as successful measures essentially stamped out the local spread and amid rising inoculation rates. However, this is only to see the rest of the world buckle against the Delta variant after global economies enjoyed a brief respite over the sp

Global and local trends fueling the machinery sector


The current global situation has made it incredibly challenging for industries and businesses to maintain a competitive edge when prices are soaring and delivery times are unpredictable. In an interview with Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Industry, Science and Technology Internatio

Vietnam steel market setback only short-term: China Steel


The steel markets in Vietnam and Malaysia have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 surge in Southeast Asia. China Steel experts say while demand exists, it remains overshadowed by the pandemic. A strong rebound is expected once the outbreak lets up, they say. Lockdown restrictions on Ho Chi M

Taiwanese fastener giant`s rosy outlook ahead signals positives for the industry


The stable uptick in demand and sales in the fastener industry are positive indicators for the upcoming months and beyond. For instance, big-name fastener suppliers report great businesses due to fastener-intensive sectors in other countries fueling the demand. In recent news, Taiwanese fastener

COVID-19 to hamper freight rates and Q4 shopping season as Chinese ports close


The ocean freight shipping season is entering its peak in Q3 as European and American businesses have ramped up orders to replenish inventory. However, the Delta variant-fueled COVID-19 outbreak in many parts of the world is set to exacerbate shipping congestion as major ports in China were tempora

HPMJ Emergency Car Starter Gets CE Certified for Safe Usage


HPMJ Co. Ltd., produces various emergency car starters. The A1, F1, Z1, G4 and G5 series have passed CE certification. They are also non-spillable lead acid batteries, 12V DC 14AH specifications, and safety-guaranteed. The emergency car starter G4 and G5 series offers 100V to 240V charging power